11.02.2014 | 9:43 PM
Doctor, should my T3 levels be measured? PMID: 25040645

The thyroid gland produces two forms of thyroid hormone: T4 and T3. Thyroid hormone has diverse biological actions and both T4 and T3 have the ability to affect virtually every tissue and organ in our bodies. T3 in particular has the most physiological relevance due to its higher attraction to the thyroid hormone receptor. On […]

09.02.2014 | 9:54 PM
Tissue-specific inactivation of D2 reveals multi-level control of fatty acid oxidation by TH. PMID: 24487027

The type 2 deiodinase (D2) converts the pro-hormone T4 to the metabolically active molecule T3, but its global inactivation (GLOB-D2KO) unexpectedly lowers the respiratory exchange rate (RQ) and increases food intake. Here we used FloxD2 mice to generate systemically euthyroid FAT-specific (Fabp4-Cre), ASTROCYTE-specific (GFAP-Cre) or SKELETAL MUSCLE-specific (MLC-Cre) D2KO mice that were monitored continuously. The […]

13.01.2014 | 11:56 PM
Is a commonly prescribed cardiac medication affecting your thyroid? PMID: 20926587

In resting healthy individuals the heart rate normally fluctuates between 60-80 beats per minute with a regular rhythm. A number of diseases can disrupt this rhythm, with potentially serious consequences such as sudden death or brain stroke, and thus require treatment with antiarrhythmic drugs. Amiodarone is one of the most commonly prescribed antiarrhythmics in the […]

01.01.2014 | 7:28 PM
Antonio C Bianco MD PhD, biosketch.

Antonio Bianco M.D. PhD. is a Professor of Medicine at University of Chicago. His laboratory has helped establish the importance of local control of thyroid hormone activation and inactivation in development, metabolic control and energy homeostasis. Dr. Bianco’s initial interest in this area formed while he was a fellow at Harvard Medical School. At that […]

29.12.2013 | 6:43 PM
Most popular publications based on the number of citations (Google Scholar).

1. Biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and physiological roles of the iodothyronine selenodeiodinases. AC Bianco, D Salvatore, B Gereben, MJ Berry, PR Larsen Endocrine reviews 23 (1), 38-89, 2002 2. Bile acids induce energy expenditure by promoting intracellular thyroid hormone activation. M Watanabe, SM Houten, C Mataki, MA Christoffolete, BW Kim, H Sato, Nadia Messaddeq, […]

29.12.2013 | 6:33 PM
Sponsored clinical guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism.

Guidelines for the treatment of hypothyroidism prepared by the American Thyroid Association task force on thyroid hormone replacement. Jacqueline Jonklaas, Antonio C. Bianco, Andrew J. Bauer, Kenneth D. Burman, Anne R. Cappola, Francesco S. Celi, David S. Cooper, Brian W. Kim, Robin P. Peeters, M. Sara Rosenthal, and Anna M. Sawka THYROID 24 (12), 2014 […]

17.12.2013 | 8:51 PM
A white powder obtained on Christmas morning used to treat hypothyroidism.

Enlargements of the thyroid gland (goiter) have been noted in texts and paintings for centuries but it wasn’t until the mid-late 1800’s when physicians started to connect thyroid gland abnormalities with the constellation of clinical findings comprising the syndrome of myxedema, or hypothyroidism as it is known today. In the early 1890’s, different strategies were […]

10.12.2013 | 11:09 PM
Hypothyroidism in the brain protects from cell death in stroke. PMID: 22723689

Thyroid hormone is a key iodinated molecule that accelerates energy utilization and oxygen consumption. A steady supply of thyroid hormone to all cells is critical for maintaining a normal physiological balance in a wide range of bodily systems, including metabolic, cognitive, nervous and cardiovascular systems. However, new evidence has emerged that in some cases the […]

20.11.2013 | 9:25 AM
“It’s not your thyroid”: Facts and fiction in the thyroid-obesity relationship.

Many patients question whether they might have a thyroid problem because they have been gaining weight, even when their thyroid tests show little or no abnormalities. Given the high prevalence of thyroid diseases and obesity, could an occult thyroid dysfunction contribute to weight gain in this type of patient? Background: Thyroid hormone accelerates metabolism and […]