Several metabolic alterations were studied in rats submitted to either an 80% jejunoileal resection or an 80% jejunoileal bypass. After a 1 00-day observation, the weight curve, daily food intake, stomach wet weight, liver glycogen and serum glucose, and free fatty acid and insulin concentrations were evaluated. The animals submitted to jejunoileal bypass showed decreased liver glycogen and blood sugar levels, as well as a lower final body weight as compared to the controls. On the other hand, enterectomized animals showed increased serum insulin concentrations, as well as normal liver glycogen and blood sugar levels. Stomach weight and serum free fatty acid levels were significantly increased in both groups of operated animals. Analysis of the results suggests that enterectomized animals have a more satisfactory metabolic response than animals submitted to jejunoileal bypass.
Metabolic Changes in Rats Submitted to Extensive Intestinal Resection or jejunoileal Bypass.
Roberto Saad, Jr., M.D.; Samir Rasslan, M.D., F.A.C.S.; Antonio Carlos Bianco, M.D.; Ricardo Machado de
Minas, M.D.; Andrea Maria de Oliveira, M.D.; Naomi S. Hell. Nutrition. September 01, 1987